Types of collateral
These are the main documents currently in use.
Sales Collateral
Case Studies
Corporate Brochure
Research Briefs
Sales Decks
Use Cases
Product Documentation
Data History
Integration Guides
Service Orders
Where to find our documents
Our documents are stored in two places: Google Drive and Truvalue Basecamp, a tool we built to easily access and manage shared documents across our organization. Truvalue Basecamp is powered by Google Drive and so the two are always in sync.
Truvalue Basecamp
Truvalue Basecamp is an easy, visual way to find what you need. Quickly locate different types of collateral and documents using the left nav or perform a search. Easily access the corresponding Google Drive and Source folders to make edits and upload new versions.
How to Access Login with your existing Truvalue Labs email account.
Google Drive
The best way to access our documents via Google Drive is by syncing it to your computer. This way, you'll always have access to our shared documents locally and you can easily attach them in your emails without first downloading them from Truvalue Basecamp.
Setup by ITJones Our IT support team can help you setup Google Drive syncing for you. Email
Do it yourself Guide to syncing Google Drive to your computer →
Last updated